
发布 2023-10-27 04:15:03 阅读 8466



第一组。1) meat2) yellow3) cinema

第二组。1) dish2) visit3) yesterday

第三组。1) shy2)candy (3) elephant

第四组。1) brush (2)headache (3) canada

第五组。1) clear2)music (3)policeman





第一组:p18 part a

susan often has lots to do after school. on mondays, she has to clean the living room. on wednesdays and thursdays, she has to practice the piano.

on tuesdays and fridays, she has to clean her room. she is going shopping after school with her mom on fridays. every day after school, she has to walk the dog.

第二组:p25 part c

i am yaoyao. this year, i am in grade 5. i h**e to do my homework every evening.

i also h**e to do some chores at home. i h**e to clean the living room and take out the garbage once a week. i h**e to make my bed every day.

now that i am older, i can watch tv for 2 hours in the evening. i can go to bed at 9:30.

第三组:p40 part a

i’m joy, i love fridays. in the mornings, i always h**e pe, science and english. in the afternoons, sometimes i listen to music, and sometimes i play computer games with my classmates.

after school, i often go to a swimming lesson. in the evenings, i often visit my grandparents and stay with them for a night.

第四组:p52 part a

hello! my name is zhou fang. i was happy last weekend.

on saturday, i stayed at home all day. i did my homework in the morning and cleaned my room in the afternoon. on sunday, i visited my friend ann.

it was her birthday. we danced and sang all morning. we went to the zoo in the afternoon.

第五组:p59 part c

i had a good time last weekend. i watched a football match on saturday evening. it was so interesting.

i watched it at my uncle’s home. on sunday morning, i visited the science museum with binbin. on sunday afternoon, i went to binbin’s home.

we did homework and played computer games together.



1) good afternoon. what’s your name?

2) what classes do you h**e in your school?

3) what’s your f**ourite class?

4) are you good at english?

5) when do you h**e english in your school?


1) good morning. what’s your name?

2) what do you often do after school?

3) how often do you do it?

4) do you like weekends?

5) why?


1) how are you today?

2) what do you want to do this weekend?

3) do you h**e to do some chores this weekend?

4) i want to go to the cinema this weekend. can you go with me?

5) what time can you with me?


1) i’m ningning. nice to meet you.

2) what do you often do for keeping fit?

3) i am very thin. i want to be strong. what food should i eat?

4) can i eat too much meat and chocolate?

5) i often feel tired in the class. what should i do?


1) how are you today?

2) how was your last weekend?

3) where did you go last weekend?

4) what did you do then?

5) did you study for the english test?






2010 2011第一学期小学生期末综合能力素养考核。五年级口语交际 考核试题1 从下面各题中任选一题做一做。1 这学期你一定读了许多书,选择你最喜欢的一个或印象最深的一个讲给大家听听好吗?口齿清楚,用普通话,内容完整 流畅,把故事的主要内容讲清楚,谈出自己的读书体会。说明白你读了这本书有什么收获!...


本课把口语交际 生活中的传统文化 与习作巧妙进行整合,使作文训练更加系统化化。培养学生搜集信息的能力,通过开展综合性学习,让学生分别去寻找春联,采取合作学习的方式,合作搜集 合作归类 合作解联 合作写联。学习段式,把看春联的过程具体地写下来,使春联这个中国传统文化更加丰满。教学过程 导入 说一说春联...


一 学会请教。当我们在学习和生活中遇到困难,自己又不能解决的时候,就要去请教别人。请教时,要把需要请教的问题说清楚。想想下面这种场合应该怎么向别人请教。肖华有道数学题做不出来,就去请教班长郭巧玲。二 学会拒绝。当别人对你提出不合理的要求,或者让你去做力所不能及的事情时,你应该学会拒绝,当然拒绝也要讲...