
发布 2024-01-29 18:00:02 阅读 8167



a: uk sister thin grandfather on seventeen

b: canada tall dad fatsmall fourteen

c: usa woman he under sixteen eleven

d: china she brother short big twelve

e: father long man grandma in thirteen


c: 学生(尤指小学生) 橙子

d: 学生妈妈。


a: 1. where are you from2. who’s that woman?

3. is he your father4. where is my map?

5. do you like pears6.用英语介绍自己和自己的家庭

b: 1. who’s that man2. is she your mother?

3. where is my cap4. do you like oranges?

5. how many crayons do you h**e? 6.用英语介绍长颈鹿。

c: 1. who’s that boy2. is it on the desk?

3. h**e some grapes4. how many birds do you see?

5. where is my map6.用英语介绍自己的姓名和国籍

d: 1. where is my car2. is it in the desk?

3. do your like pears4. how many fish do you see?

5. can i h**e some bananas6.用英语介绍大象。

e: 1. is he your brother2. where is my pencil box?

3. how many cars do you h**e4. is it in your toy box?

5. do you like strawberries6.用英语介绍zhang peng. 他是一位新学生。

f: 1. where are you from2. where is my ruler?

3. is it in your bag4. how many kites do you see?

5. who’s that girl6.用英语介绍自己喜欢和不喜欢的水果。


a: fat. be fat. be fat, fat, fat! 2. big, big, big! make your eyes big.

3. put your foot under your chair. 4. bounce a ball. 5. row a boat

b: tall. be tall.

be tall, tall, tall. 2. long, long, long!

make your arms long.

3. put your hand under your desk. 4. drive a car. 5. put on a cap.

c: 1. be thin. be thin. be thin, thin, thin2. put your arm in your desk.

3. small, small, small! make your eyes small. 4. read a map.

5. short, short, short! make your arms short.

d: 1. be short.

be short. be short, short, short! 2.

read a map. 3. row a boat.

4. big, big, big! make your eyes big. 5. put your hand on your chair


1. let’s chant --we are friends

2. let’s chant --he and she

3. let’s sing --boy and girl

4. let’s chant --the man is the father

5. let’s chant --grandma, grandpa

6. let’s sing --i love my family

7. let’s sing --at the zoo

8. let’s chant --little bird, little bird

9. let’s sing --the cat is from the uk

10. let’s sing --where is the toy car?

11. let’s chant --i eat apples

12. let’s chant --do you like grapes?

13. let’s sing --an apple a day

14. let’s chant --hello, my friend. please tell me

15. let’s chant --a e i o u. my hand has five little fingers

16. let’s chant --how many do you h**e?

17. let’s sing --one, two, three, four, five

18. let’s sing --short vowel song




2019 2019学年度第二学期三年级英语口语测试题。一。单词题 先拼 后读 再译,每个单词1.5分,共9分 a uk sister thin grandfather on seventeen b canada tall dad fatsmall fourteen c usa woman he un...


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