
发布 2024-01-24 00:20:10 阅读 1782


class begin. 上课。

class is over. 下课。

come here. 到这儿来。

go back to your seat. 回到你的座位。

please look. 请看。

open your book. 打开你的书。

close your book. 合上你的书。

turn to page 1. 翻到第一页。

hands up. 举手。

hands down. 把手放下。

try! 试试!

come on! 试试看!

try it again. 再试一试!

why? 为什么?

read after me. 跟我读。

follow me. 跟我(读、做……)

one by one. 一个接一个。

let’s stop here./be quiet, please. 请安静下来, let’s sing. 让我们一起唱。

let’s do it once more. 让我们再做一次。

take out your book and turn to page x..拿出课本翻到第x 页。

stand up. /sit down, please. 请起立/ 坐下。

please speak louder. /speak up please. 请说得大声些。

let’s start now./ let’s begin our class/lesson… 让我们开始上课。


一) 能听懂、会说12组对话,并能进行简单的交流。

unit 1 welcome back to school

a good morning, boys and girls!

good morning, miss white.

class, we h**e a new friend today.

hi! i’m amy. i’m from america.


b good afternoon.

good afternoon, mr black.

this is my friend, amy.

nice to meet you.

nice to meet you, too.

where are you from?

i’m from america.

goodbye, mr black.


unit 2 my family

a who’s that woman?

she’s my mother.

who’s that man?

he’s my father.

hi, mom! this is my friend, amy.

nice to meet you.

nice to meet you, too.

b come on, bai ling. let’s watch tv.


who’s this boy?

my brother.


who’s this girl?

oh! she’s my sister.


look! this is my mom. and this is my dad.

wow, how funny!

uint 3 how many

a look, amy! i h**e a new kite.

oh, it’s beautiful.

let’s fly it!

ok! how many kites can you see?

1, 2, 3……i can see 12.

no, 11. the black one is a bird. oh!b

hi, chen jie. look at my new crayons!

oh, how nice!

how many crayons do you h**e?



open it and see.

1 2 3……16! you h**e 16 crayons!

that’s right!

unit 4 do you like pears?

a do you like peaches?

yes, i do.

do you like oranges?

no, i don’t.

what about pears?

oh, i like them very much.

let’s h**e some peaches and pears. ok.b

h**e some fruits.

thank you, miss white.

do you like bananas, chen jie?

sorry, i don’t like bananas.

can i h**e an apple, please?


h**e some more?

no, thank you.

unit 5 where is my ruler?

a mom, where is my car?

no! on your desk?

no. in the toy box?

no! look! it’s under the chair.

oh, yeah! thanks, mom.

b excuse me, amy. can i use your pencil?

no problem.

where is my pencil?

look, it’s here, under your book.

here you are!

thank you.

unit 6 at the zoo

a come on, children. look at the elephant.

wow! it’s so big.

look! it has a long nose and a short tail.

it has small eyes and big ears.

oh, it’s so funny!

b look at the giraffe.

oh, it’s so tall.

look at the deer.

it’s short.

you see. the giraffe is tall. the deer is short.


dad, you’re tall. i’m short.

you’re right.


学校:boy girl teacher student this my friend i’m = i am nice good morning good afternoon meet goodbye too

家庭成员:father dad mother mom man woman grandmother grandma grandfather grandpa sister brother let’s = let us great really and how

数字:eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen nineteen twenty how many can look at

水果:peach pear orange watermelon apple banana strawberry grape like some thanks

交通工具:bus bike taxi jeep desk chair walkman lamp your zoo

形容词:small big long short tall giraffe deer



1. aaa, say “ok!”

bbb, touch your knee.

ccc, look and see.

ddd, make a “d”.

eee, drink some tea.

abcde, come and follow me.

2. a b c, look and see.

c d e, draw a tree.

e f g, h**e a seat.

g h i, fly a kite.

a b c d e, read after me.

e f g h i, say “goodbye.”

3. j j j, jump, jump, jump.

k k k, kick, kick, kick.

l l l, la, la, la.

m m m, meow, meow, meow.

n n n, no, no, no.

l m n, raise your leg.

4. a b c d e, clap with me.

e f g h i, close your eye.

j k l m n, show me ten.

l m n o p, listen to me.

p q r s t, pour the tea,look at me. i can say from a to t.

5. show me a b c d e.

point to f g h i j.

type j k l m n.

colour o p q r s.

circle s t u v w.

i can say from a to w.

6. tall, tall, tall! make yourself tall.

short, short, short! make yourself short.

big, big, big! make your eyes big.

small, small, small! make your eyes small.

long, long, long! make your arms long.

short, short, short! make your arms short.



1. boy and girl

2. father and mother

3. one two three four five

4. the more we get together

5. an apple a day

6. hide and seek

7. they are in the zoo

8. a b c song


1. a b c, follow me.

it’s as easy as 1 2 3.

1 2 3, a b c.

it’s so easy as you see!

2. a b c d e f g,father, mother and me.

c d e f g a b.

sing and dance under the tree.

3. father and mother

help each other

sister and brother

play together!

4. let’s go, boys.

let’s go, girls.

let’s all be a family.

who plays father?

who plays mother?

who play brother and sister?

i am father.

i am mother.

we are brother and sister.

let’s go, boys.

let’s go, girls.

let’s all be a family.

5. a b c d e f g.

french fries, bread and ice-cream.

h i j k l m n.

hamburgers, hot dogs and chicken.

o p q, o p q.

let me share with you!

6. prc, prc, i’m from china.

can, can, i’m from canada.

uk, uk, i’m from the united kingdom.

usa, usa, i’m from america.

7. a b c d e f g,

h i j kl m n,

o p q, r s t,

u v w, x y z!

now you can say you’re a b c’s.

it’s as easy as 1 2 3!



let’s play school-teacher and student.

ok. i’m big. i’m the teacher!

i’m smart. i’m the teacher.

i’m the teacher!

i’m the teacher!

wait a minute!

can you read this?

sure. “i am the student!”

ha! ha! you see? i am the teacher!

oh, no!

who’s that woman?

she’s my mother.

she’s beautiful.

thank you.

my mom is an actress.


wait a moment.

look at me!


zoom! how beautiful!


wow! so many apples!

yeah! let’s pick up the apples.

let’s h**e a race.

good idea!

look, i h**e 15! how many apples do you h**e?

i h**e 16. i won!

show me, please.

oh, no! i h**e only 1.

ha! ha! i won!

wow! 8 dollars. it’s cheap!

i want some chicken, peas and tomatoes.

i want some apples, bananas and oranges.

do you like milk?

yeah! i like milk, juice and coke.

oh, i’m full.

doggy bag, please!

no way!

let’s play hide and seek.


1 2 3……10. are you ready?

yes! where are you? are you under the table?

are you under the bed?

are you in the toy box?

where are you? i can’t find you.

ha! ha! i’m behind you!

how many animals do you know?

i know all the animals.


tiger and lion!

yes! fox and wolf!


zebra and horse!


i know! they’re monkeys.

no! no!

the small one is a monkey. the big one is a gorilla.



1. 妇女节 happy women’s day!


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