
发布 2024-01-01 16:25:10 阅读 1278



说明:本试卷考试时间90分钟,满分100分, 答题必须在答题卡上,在试题卷作答无效。

第一卷 (70分)

听力测试 (15分)


was very cold when she heard the voice from behind.

was very happy when she heard the voice from behind.

was frightened when she heard the voice from behind.

didn’t take a train. she took a bus.

didn’t take a bus. she took a train.

didn’t like a bus. she likes a train.

sings well in our city. can sing very well in our city.

else can sing better than ken in our city.

4. a. in the past, we could onlydo this. we can only do this.

the future, we can do this.

many people enjoy looking at those goldfish.

people dislike looking at those goldfish.


impossible. very sorry about that. you kidding ?

went to the cinema with my friend michael. very busy now. was too late.

light $ 20.

that’s a pity !

he’s well built, rather short and bald. middle-aged. very sick.

.听一篇短文,根据所听内容选择正确的答案, 并将相应的答案编号涂在答题卡上。短文念两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分)

long is the browns’ vacation?

a. a month

do the children do on the sand ?

volleyball with water games and sometimes build sandeastles.

do the children swim?

a. on the beach. the sea. the swimming pools.

the browns stay in different hodels every year ?

a. no , the always stay at the same hotel.

b. yes. they always stay in different hotels.

passage doesn’t tell us.

。选择填空 (15分)

从下面每小题的a .b. c. d四个选项中选出最佳答案,并将相应的答案编号涂在答题卡上。


16.-what do we h**e in the cupboard ?

-let me see. we h**ebread and eggs.

a. a few b. a little c. a lot

17.-which of the following way is wasting water ?

dishes with running water. one’s teeth with the tap off.

the a shower less than 5 ,omutes.

18.-which of the following is local news ?

a. shenzhen mothers plan different future for babies.

b. china unicom to sell iphone 4s by january.

vote will stand: putin aide. world championship.

19.-it’s an awful day, isn’t it ?

-yesit is !

bad a bad weather

a bad weather bad weather

20.-shoud we break the school rules ?

-noought not to ought to not won’t may not.

21.-di you notice jilla black pearl necklace?

-yes. it has the same designthe earring.

to wear, as as from.

22.-h**e you finished your homework yet?

-ye. my mother made meall my homework before 9.

do doing finish do

23computers can operate railways and fly planes and spaceships.

-that’s really cool.

importantly important

important importance

24.-the greeks h**e tried for ten yearsour city but now they’ve gone.

-but-but, why not tryat the wooden horse to make sure it’s not a trick ?

look capture, looking capture, look look

25you everamerica?

-no, but ito austuria last year.

h**e go, h**e gone

26.-grey, you look unhappy again . what happened?

-it’s my mother. she hasn’t been satisfiedmy work, never yet already ever.

door when you le**e.

-yes. i will.

lock 28.-roy is aworker.

- i agree. he works


时光飞逝,一转眼一个学期又过去了。本人在学校领导的关心下,在学校同事的支持下,顺利地完成了本学期的八年级语文教学工作。一学期中,面对全新的教材,面对教学中存在的问题,我在摸索中前进 在实践中反思。回顾一学期的工作,虽然取得了一定的成绩,但缺点和不足更是不容回避的,现反思如下 一 努力钻研教材 深入了...


2014 2015学年年八年级语文上册教学工作计划 一 教材内容 八年级上册教材分为五个现代文单元和两个古诗文单元共七个教学单元,有诗文三十篇。写作 口语交际训练七次,写字训练两次,综合性学习三次。二 教学目的和要求 1 思想品德目标 进一步培养学生的爱国主义精神,激发学生热爱祖国语言文字的感情,培...


3 关于语感培养的设想 a 诵读吟咏,感知语言神妙。b.揣摩品味,领悟语言精髓。c.规律,把握语言理趣。d.强化实践,增进运用习惯。二 关于写作 1.针对学生怕作文的心理,纠正他们对作文的错误认识,培养其写作兴趣,鼓励学生多写。2 改革作文评改方法。采取互评法,他评后或众议师小结或自我小结再修改等。...