
发布 2024-04-26 03:05:09 阅读 8234

today is may day, mom and dad took me to the kirin mountain amusement park to play.

at the foot of the mountain, and vehicles, the crowds in slowly walked to the mountain, watching from a distance like flocks of black ants in the past. at the gate of the zoo there are a lot of people buy a ticket, the team in a long dragon, lively! we continue to go up, also met with three classmates.

to the amusement park, dad and i play the surfing and crazy mickey mouse is very exciting, really hits the spot! and then i also go to play water transparent ball, i squat down in a big transparent ball, uncle pushed the ball hard water, the water, i waddled stood up and fell a few seconds, little brother just learning to walk, with the bank people roar with laughter. later, i am just lounging in the ball in the sun, the ball is in water, i would like a baby ah w**e, lying in the cradle of fun!

this is really a happy and memorable experience may day!






篇一 五一劳动节作文。今天是5月5日,是 周的第5天。妈妈带我去中山公园玩。一进大门,首先迎入眼帘的是一块大石碑,石碑前是一条湖,湖里的水 哗啦啦 地流着,好像在演奏一首动听悦耳地歌。左右是护栏,护栏后面是一盆盆鲜艳的花朵,有红的 白的 紫的 黄的 色彩缤纷 品种不一,漂亮极了。我跟着妈妈往前走,绕...

关于小学生五一劳动节作文 无聊的五一

节日作文大全。盼望已久的五一长假终于到了,可是这个五一。让我满失望的。首先,心情受影响最大的原因当然就是我得期中成绩啦,烂道我都不想說,那可是相当的差。还好,为了 让我离开深圳这个让我 伤心 的城市,我带着爸爸妈妈 寒 迁徙 到了老家 湖北。下叻飞机之后,坐在颠簸的车子上,往车窗外看去,是一望无际的...


昨天,是 五一 假期的第二天。我和妈妈 舅舅 舅妈 表弟一起去 长隆欢乐世界 玩。行驶了一个多小时的汽车终于停了下来。下车后,我和妈妈先去 动感地带 玩 大力水手 舅舅和舅妈带着表弟去 哈比儿童王国 玩。我和妈妈坐在椅子上,椅子不停地跳动着,机器带着椅子先顺时针转,再停下来,最后则逆时针转。整个游乐...