
发布 2023-12-28 17:35:06 阅读 8078


1.(1分)a.yes,i like it.

b.i like music that has great lyrics.

c.i like musicians who can write their own words.

2.(1分)a.that sounds great fun.

b.that's all right.

c.ok,you are right.

3.(1分)a.i don't like it.

b.it's very nice.thanks.

c.how much is it?

4.(1分)a.yes,i h**e..

b.by listening to tapes..

c.no,i didn't.

5.(1分)a.i think so.

b.yes,i do.

c.no,i'm not.

6.(1分)a.yes,i did.

b.yes,i took a bus.

c.i went to school on foot.


7.(1分)how does tom's brother study for a test?

a.by working with friends.

b.by listening to tapes.

c.by reading the textbooks.

8.(1分)what is tom like now?

a.he is very tall.

b.he is very he**y.

c.he is very strong.

9.(1分)does the school allow students to get their ears pierced?

a.yes,it does.

b.no,it doesn't.

c.we don't know.

10.(1分)where are they talking?

a.in a bookshop.

b.at the bus stop.

c.in the police station.

11.(1分)whose guitar is it?

a.it's miss wang's.

b.it's the boy's.

c.it's linda's.



12.where are they talking?

a.at the cinema.

b.on the playground.

c.at home.

13.when will the match begin?

a.at a quarter past seven.

b.at a quarter to seven.

c.at a quarter past six.

14.what will the boy do before the game begins?

a.watch tv.

b.go to bed.

c.do his homework.


15.whose is the toy car?

a.jane's sister's



16.what color is mary's dress?




17.what does d**e like?


b.classical music.

c.playing football.


18.what club will they join?

a.the art club

b.the music club.

c.the english club.

19.what does kathy want to do to join the club?

a.to improve her english reading

b.to improve her english grammar.

c.to improve her spoken english.

20.what day does the club meet?

a.both on monday and wednesday.

b.only on monday.

c.both on monday and friday.


21.why did mr.smith ask the shopkeeper to send a lot of roses to the girl?

a.because she asked him to do so

b.because he wanted to show his love to her

c.because she loved flowers very much

22.how old was the girl?




23.why did the shopkeeper send more roses to the girl?

a.he wanted to be friendly to mr.smith.

b.he wanted to make more money.

c.he liked the girl very much,too.

24.what do you think the girl would feel when she received the flowers?

a.she would be glad.

b.she would be surprised.

c.she would be angry.

25.what did the shopkeeper make?

a.a big mistake.

b.some money.

c.two good friends.

二、选择填空(本大题共15小题.每小题1分)从a、b、c、d四个选项中, 选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

26.(1分)the boy likes music that he can dance

a.with b.from c.to d.on

27.(1分)she thinks the best wayenglish isenglish magazines.(

a.to learn,read b.to learn,by reading

c.learn,reading d.learning,read

28.(1分used toa post office near my house.(

a.there; be b.there; h**e

c.it; be d.there; h**ing

29.(1分)beijing is one of the __in the world today.(

a.busiest city b.busiest cities

c.busy city d.busy cities

30.(1分)i used to go to sleepmy bedroom light

a.with,open b.with,on c.and,open d.in,on

31.(1分)if i __you,i would give some flowers to her.(

a.am b.is c.was d.were

32.(1分)would you like to go

a.anywhere relaxing b.relaxing somewhere

c.somewhere relaxing d.somewhere relaxed

33.(1分)why not consider___kunming for your next vacation?(

a.visiting b.to visit c.visited d.visitor

34.(1分)﹣do you knowold lady in blue?

yes,she is a teacher ofuniversity in beijing.(

a.a,an b.the,an c.the,a d.an,a

35.(1分)beth has a beautifullisten!she is singing beautifully.(

a.sound b.voice c.noise d.look

36.(1分)the red bike __be hu's.hers is blue.(

a.must b.might c.can d.can't

37.(1分)﹣i'm not allowed to go out o school nights.

a.so am i b.neither am i c.so i do d.will be

38.(1分)i don't know if ihim this evening.if ihim,i will give the novel to him.(


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