
发布 2023-11-04 10:41:07 阅读 9276


一、教学内容:pep book 5 unit 4 what can you do?a. read and write二、教学目标:



2)能够听,说,读,写句型:what can you do? i can sweep the floor.

(3)能够听,说,认读句子:mother goat is ill. we can help her.

just do it.2、情感目标:在别人有困难的时候,提供适当的帮助。





1、教学目标3及正确拼写四会句型。2、ill ,just do it!单词与词组的理解。






dog, dog, what can you do?i can run after you.2.

仿照let’s chant,做传声游戏。t:lily,lily,what can you do?

s1:i can sweep the floor.

设计意图:让学生站起来,运用tpr,使学生动起来,有效地组织英语课堂学习,活跃课堂气氛,并让学生复习句型what can you do? i can...

t: great! you’re helpful!(二)presentation/practice

1.引入:cai呈现mother goat生病的情景。

(mother goat并发出呻吟声)t:look and listen! who is that?

s1:mother what’s the matter?s2:

mother goat is ill.(板书)

t:(cai展示凌乱的房间图)what a mess in her house! we are helpful!

wecan help her.(板书)ok? what can you do?

s3:i can ..s4:

i can...

学生回答时适时加入ok,just do it .(板书)t: yes. we can help her! what about zip and her

friends?(指板书的人物) what can they do formother goat? guess and match!(让学生猜想动物能做的事情)

monkeycook the mealszipsweep the floor

rabbitwash the windowzoomwater the flowers

设计意图:让学生通过猜测小动物所能做的事情,带有目的性地**下面的read and write,看是否跟自己的猜测一样。)

2.(1)watch vcd后,连线看他们是否猜对。


2).open your book at the dialogue and finish exercises 1. true orfalse.

mother sheep is ill.()monkey can sweep the floor.()

zip can clean the window.()zoom can’t water the flowers.()they are helpful.()


3)t:good, you understand the dialogue well. now, let’srepeat after the tape.

4)t:read by yourselves and underline the difficulties .

5)让学生提出质疑。(理解mother goat is ill. we can help her .just do it.等。用卡片展示。)

6)practice the dialogue in group of 5.(7)检查朗读情况。(1—2组学生)

结束故事t: look! mother goat’s house is so clean is so happy.

8)t: now, let’s finish thesentences.(the student write down answers on theirbooks first ,then check the answers .

根据答案,老师边把四会句子i can sweepthe floor. i can

cook the meals. i can water the flowers.贴在黑板上。再叫学生读一遍,然后引出问句what can you do?)


让学生回忆monkey, zip, zoom做的事情。然后让学生齐说出:monkey:再使学生发挥逆向思维说出。


1)t:we are helpful. what about amy and her sister? are they helpful, too?let’s

read and finish exercise 2 choose a、bor c.

my name’s amy. i am 10 years old. i’m a good girl at home.

i’m tall and can help my mother cook the meals and sweep thefloor. ann is my sister. sheis pretty.

she is smart and she is a helpful girl.

she can clean the room, water the flowers and empty the trash. we often cleanour room together on saturdays and sundays.()is a.

a:studentb:teacherc:doctor() is a good girl can.

a:water the flowersb:clean the roomc:cook the meals

2)让学生运用所学的阅读技巧,同位互相设计题目,如trueorfalse或what can amy do?等等,加强学生的阅读理解能力。

amy is 11 years is not helpful.

3)适当检查学生设计的问题及解答情况。(也可以作为课后作业)(三)extension/consolidation/moral education.

t: our father and mother are so busy. as good boys and girls, we shouldhelp them do some housework.

i think they must be very happy. write down thehousework you can do. please.


i am helpful. i cani can

share the answers in your group of four.(并在四人小组内进行评价)(四) summer up;


do housework. and we learn the sentences: what can you do? i can cook themeals

i can sweep the floor.…(五)homework①找同伴表演本课时对话;

学生背诵并抄写本课时的四会单词和句子;(六)板书设计unit 4 what can you do?a. read and write

mother goat is ill. we can help


七、反思:本课时我们能以“help mother



这节是阅读课,这节课的教学目标定位的比较准,教学过程都是围绕着教学目标去开展教学活动。首先,在warm up中,让学生通过“i

can…”的chant,既有效地组织了课堂教学,又有效地帮助学生复习了旧知识,为本课的教学作好辅垫;接着让学生**课件的画面,引出mother goat is

ill. what can you do? what about the animals?


建议猜想过程适当减短时间,因其目的只是提起学生的阅读兴趣和对本文内容的猜测;学生在阅读过程中老师要注意不要以无关的话语或行为干扰学生;对学生的小练笔进行分享时,不仅要评价学生的书写,还应评价其它方面,如能力,因为主要写的是“i can…”.



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