
发布 2023-09-12 16:36:50 阅读 3544


sunday, april 28, fine


earlymorning,wetooktheschoolbustoshengjingmountain which was very beautiful . at the foot of it, we sawlots of green plants. we began climbingthemountain at the top of it,we went sightseeing and had a picnic.

we swept the rubbish. at about 4, we went all enjoyed ourselves. i think it interesting and enjoyabletogoforanoutingatthistimeofyear,butfirstofall, possible.


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81. one of the liveliest cities82. used to hear her play the piano83.

looking forward to seeing84. to finish reading this book85. don’t think it’s easyto书面表达。

many drivers who drink and drive. i think it’s bad or badly hurt.

in order to keep safe, drivers mustn’t drink and must obey the traffic law. if they drink, they mustn’




m: i didn’t find you in the classroom just now, oh, i’ve been to the library to borrow some books.2.

m: you were busy last night, weren’t you?

w: yes, i got ready to meet some foreign friends.3.

w: may i borrow the book by han han, please?m:

yes, and you can keep it for a week.

4. m: oh, mary, i don’t know the meaning of this new word.

w: why not look it up in the dictionary?

m: i left my dictionary at home. could you lend me yours, please?

w: ok. here you are.

5. w: what would you do if you found a wallet?

m: i’d look for the owner. what about you?

w: i would give it to the police. they can find the owner that’s a better idea.



听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。w: hey, michael.

do you like playing sports?m: yes, i used to like it.

w: which sport did you use to play, basketball or soccer?m: neither. i used to run.

w: where did you usually run?

m: i ran in the park every morning.


w: ben, your room is a mess. why don’t you clean it up?

m: jennifer, i am cleaning my room. that’s how i find my collection of you used to love it.

m: yes. and i am reading a report now. it’s an encouraging what is it about?

m: it is about a university graduate volunteering to teach in a poor village. he had ahard life but he chose not to le**e.

w: he is a good man. people should learn from him.


whole class?

w: i’d say i h**e a cold. why do you ask me this question?

m: it could tell me about what you are well. what do you think i’m like?

m: you are probably a shy person. but maybe you are a good how do you know?

m: well, the writer of this book says that.

w: may i take a look at your book?

m: but i am reading it. you can find the same book on that shelf over there.


m: hi, kate! what are you doing?

it’s a nice and sunny day today. why not come toplay games with us?w:

sorry, i can’t. i h**e to do my homework what will you do tomorrow?

w: tomorrow is monday. we go to school on weekdays, you oh, i’m sorry i forgot it.

what did you do yesterday?w: we had a good time with lucy in the park.

m: lucy? i hear she will return to london next week.

w: yeah. she will go home by plane with her family.

so i asked some friends to playwith her.

m: some friends? who are they?

w:bob, for us at the did you enjoy yourselves?w: yes, very much.

听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。dear boys and girls, welcome to the environment protecting club. we all knowthat our environment is getting worse and worse.

so we shall do our best to in the school hall today. i want you to think what we can do and how we shoulddo it.

if you h**e any opinions or suggestions, you can write them down on the backof the *****. please hand the *****s in before 5 o’clock. oh, one more thing, from thisweekon,wewillmeetonsaturdayafternoon, that.

thanks for your attention.


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2019中考英语模拟试题 三

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一 选择题 每小题3分,36分请选出每小题中一个符合题意的选项。不选 多选 错选均不给分 1 小科在学习科学过程中,对部分电学知识整理如下,其中有错误的是。a 物理量及单位b 科学家及贡献。c 测量仪器及用途d 家电及能量转化。2 被誉为 光纤之父 的华人科学家高锟荣获了2009年诺贝尔物理学奖。光...


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