
发布 2023-07-26 01:48:00 阅读 4023

在美国的大学(college)校园里,崇尚(advocate)的是自由(freedom)与自主的思想。这可以体现(reflect )在学生的选课上。美国学生选课是完全取决于(lie on)自己的,每个人根据自己的时间和经济(economic)情况来选择课程。

因此,没有统一的班级。即使必修课(a required course),学生也可以自由选择修读的时间。但选课自由不是没有限制(limit)的,首先,选读的专业大纲限制了选课的范围。




拓展阅读:a little boy comes to a new town. his name is peter picket.

of course he liveswith his parents. his family is very rich. they h**e a gardener(园丁), a cook(厨师)and a lot of other servants(佣人).

peter is going to a new school. on the first day his mother says to him, “peter,be modest(谦虚)at your new school. dont say we are rich.

” and peter says,“yes, mummy.”

so peter goes to school. he meets his new teacher. and he sits down with is a composition.

the title(题目)is my name .”so all the children writetheir compositions(作文). this is peters composition:

“my name is peter picket .my family is very poor. my father is very poor.

my mother is also very poor. soare the gardener, the cook and all the other servants.”

1. peter lives with his___

a. mother b. father

c. teacher d. mother and father

2. there are __family members in peters family.

a. five b. three

c. ten d. twenty

3. peters mother doesnt want peter to tell others about their __family.

a. richb. big

c. poor d. new

4. what is the first exercise of peter on the first day?

5. does the peter h**e a poor family?答案。

1. d解析:of course he lives with his parents.选d

2. b解析:同第一题,选b

3. a解析:“peter, be modest at your new school. dont say we are rich.”选a

4. (the first exercise on the first day is a composition.)

解析:the first exercise today is a composition.原句。

5. (no,he hasnt.)


关于校园生活的作文 丰富的校园生活



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