
发布 2024-05-23 14:20:07 阅读 4975


unit 7 would you mind turning down the music?


本单元围绕“歉意、恳请”这一话题展开教学,学习婉转提出请人帮忙的请求方式以及在生活中遇到不顺心不如意的事情生气的时候所提出来的请别人帮忙,以此培养学生交际能力。单元是在已学习could you please?请求别人帮忙的基础上进一步提升请人帮忙的请求方式以及用便条的方式请求别人帮助。




a.请人帮忙的请求方式,如:would you mind moving your bike?

b.使用目标语言礼貌的提出要求, 如:this shirt is too big. would you mind giving me a smaller one?

c.谈论自己所接触人及物的感受,如:i get annoyed when my classmates borrow my eraser and don’t return it.


a. would you mind doing的表达法;

b. would you, could you, h**e to 的表达法。

c. 表达日常生活中常遇到别人在做的几个动词。

d.学会用便条的方式来使用目标语言would you mind doing...


a. 由于本单元话题贴近学生生活,符合他们在生活中请求别人帮助的方式以及在生活中遇到麻烦事的时候请求别人帮忙的请求方式,可以提高他们学习英语的兴趣,积极参与英语实践活动。

b. 谈论在生活中遇到一些需要别人帮忙,以及别人有不良的行为的时候,怎样和别人沟通,培养同学间团结、友善的精神,形成积极向上的人生观。

c. 谈论自己的感受,同时使学生在英语交流中注意并观察他人的情感。


a. 通过小组讨论,开展调查等研究,明确在用中学,交流中学习的想法。

b. 通过猜测,并大胆的表达,以学习新知识。

c. 兴趣教学策略,其中包括游戏、表演、对话。


a. 了解主要的请求方式。

b. 用恰当的方式表达自己的感受。

c. 在学习中寻找中西文化的差异,培养学生的跨文化意识。


1、重点:本单元的语言目的是“提出请求和道歉”,因此would you mind …?和could you please …?

以及sorry, i’ll … 等句型的理解和运用,是本单元的重点。

2、难点:学生在使用would you mind …?和could you please …?

时,应该提醒学生,would you mind +动名词,而could you please +动词原形。此外,如用否定词not,not所放的位置,学生容易犯错,would you mind not…? could you please not …?


3、疑点:学生在使用would you mind …?和could you please …?

过程中,容易把would和could看成是will和can的过去时态中的过去式形式,因此would you mind…?/could you please…?的理解及一般过去时中could和would的区别是本单元的疑点。


period one

i. teaching aims:

1. knowledge aims: make requests ;apologize.

2. ability aims:developing student ability to communicate with each other .

developing students’ spoken english, listening and writing ability.

3. moral aims: arouse students more interests and better attitude in learning english.

ii. key and difficult points:

1. vocabulary : clean the yard , play baseball, move the bike, turn down the music.

2. target language:

a: would you mind cleaning the yard?

b1: i’m sorry. i’ll do it right away.

b2: of course not/certainly not.

b3: no, not at all.

iii. teaching aids:

a basketball, a bike ,a tape recorder and some pictures.

iv. teaching methods:

task-based teaching methods.

v. teaching procedures:

1. warming-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)

(1)daily greetings to the students(日常问候)


ask: h**e you ever meet these things? what do you say?

teacher give an example: can you get down from the tree?

t: do you often ask your classmate to do things?

ss: yes.

t: what can you say if so?

s1:can you give me the book?

s2:will you please open the window?

s3:please close the door.

t: very good. in this unit we’re going to learn other polite ways of ****** requests.

look at

our classroom, it’s dirty. t asks one of the students :would you mind cleaning the


s1:okt asks several students the same question.

t: look at this picture. your room is dirty.

so your mother asks you to clean the room: would you mind cleaning the room?

you: sorry, i’ll do it right away.

show several pictures. use: would you mind doing…….would you mind not doing……?

t: would you mind ……teacher doesn’t say the right answer. let students say. see if students

can say: would you mind doing……?

the requests with the things in the picture

t: talk about the picture: what are you doing? what do you think of it ?

let students talk about the picture. let them say about their ideas.

1a.and number the requests above in the order you hear them.

listen again and repeat the conversation

a: would you mind moving the bike?

b: sorry, i’ll do it right away

practice in pairs.

想象现实生活中的一些场景,用上would you mind ……并展现给大家。

a: would you mind ……

b: not at all./sorry,……

重新用would you mind ……改写下面的句子。eg. clean the yard.

would you mind cleaning the yard

ask several students to say these sentences.

t: there are 8 groups in the classroom. each group will h**e two sentences.

please use :would you mind doing...

汉译英:a) 你介意把门关上吗?好的,我马上就办。

b) 你介意把收音机关小点儿声吗?不,一点也不。

c) 请不要在教室里大声说话好吗?对不起。

给同学们分配一定的任务用would you mind...写四个句子,两个表示介意,两个表示不介意并且相应的回答。

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