六年级上册第三次模拟练习 4

发布 2024-05-06 12:40:04 阅读 9873



)1. a. name

)2. a. bowl

)3. a. put

)4. a. close

)5. a. school


1me)h**e a doll. it’s verybeauty).

2. what’s the matter withhe)? hehurt)his arm.

3. how manybutterfly)are there in the sky? therebe)five .

4. what is your motherdo)? she isfold).

5. he doesn’thas)a cold. he doesn’t needsee)the doctor.



can youthei’ll do it


i willa newnext week.


you should be


1,the boy can’t

a. get out b. gets out out

2you buy a bag of chips at the store.

a. did b. do c. are

3,can you teachto play basketball.

a. i b. my

4, i need a t-shirt andjeans?

a. a b. an pair of

5,yougo to school by bus.

b. did

6,let’s ask himsome help.

a. to b. for

7,whereyou go yesterday?

a. did b. do

8are the swimsuit? -thirty dollars.

a. how many b. how much c. how often

9, my uncle’s son is my

a. cousin

10le**esred and yellow.

a. the ,is b. these ,are c. the ,are


a:good morning,what can ifor you?

b:good morning,i’d like to buy a skirtmy daughter.

a:this way, for girls.

b:the yellow one on the rightvery it?

a:forty-eight yuan,please.

b:oh,i thinktoo dear(贵).

a:whatthe blue one overit looks nice, it’s cheaper(较便宜).it’s only twenty yuan.

the money.

a:all rightyou.



jim’s family

it’s nine o’clock in the evening. the family are at home. jim’s father is sitting in a chair.

he’s watching tv. his mother is standing near the window. she’s giving some food(喂食)to the bird,polly.

polly says, “thanks!thanks!” where’s jim?

oh,he’s behind the door. kate is looking for him. they are playing games.

there is no homework on sunday evening.

)1. there arepeople in the family .

a. there

)2. who is watching tv in a chair

a. jim b. jim’s mother c. jim’s father

)3. jim and kate are

a. good friends girls and sisters

)4 . the childrendoing their homework.

a. aren’t

)5. what’s kate doing?

a. she’s doing her homework. playing games.

c. she’s looking for a pen.

chen fang:hello! i’m chen fang. nice to meet you.

mary:nice to meet you, name’s mary brown. i’m new. i want to make more friends here.

chen fang:me,too. where do you come from,then?

mary:new york. and what’s your nationality?

chen fang:i’m chinese. are you at net?

mary:yes. very often.

chen fang:what’s your net address,please?

what about yours?

chen mary:i’ll deliver the e-mail to you on holiday.

chen fang:thank you. i’ll do that,too.

)1. chen fang and mary are new

a. teachers

)2. mary is

a. american b. chinese c. an english girl

)3. chen fang hastoo .

a. a net address e-mail

)4 . they want to make more

a. planes

)5. mary will deliver the e-mail to chen fang

a. today monday c. on holiday






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