
发布 2024-02-06 12:00:01 阅读 7466

辽师版2019六年级下英语测试题7月6日 name


) 1. a. duck b. cute

) 2. a. driver b. doctor

) 3. a. window b. yellow

) 4. a. sad b. h**e

) 5. a. did b. sign

) 6. a. headache b. teacher

) 7. a. read b. tea

( )8. a. worry b. go

) 9. a. me b. she

) 10. a. little b. ill








) were she born?

she __born in 1980.

) you take some medicine?

yes, i

a. did b. didn’t

) were they born?

they were born __2007.

a. in b. on

) your animal sign ?

my animal sign __pig.

a. are b. is

) watched cartoons?

lindaa. did b. went


upthe game

3. do homework

4. h**e breakfast

5. go shopping


1. ba__room (浴室,洗手间) a. th b. oh

老鼠) a. ou b. ir

蛇) a. o b. a

(唱歌) a. d b. i

(看见) 六、连词成句。(15分)

1. did , you , when , it , watch ?

2. with , her , the , matter, what’s ?,was, born , mom, your ?

how , you , doing , today ?


it’s the first day of the new term. linda meets xiao hui at the school gate.


linda : hi! xiao hui. nice to see you again!

xiao huii am happy to be back to school.

linda : me, too.

xiao hui

linda : i feel sad.

xiao hui

linda : my good friend linda is le**ing. she’s going back to the uk.

xiao hui : don’t worry. you can email her.


it’s monday afternoon . li ming and d**id are talking about a football game.


li ming: you look tired today.

d**id: yes. i watched a football game last night.

li ming

d**id: i watched it until 11:00 pm.

li ming: wow, so late! how did you like it?

d**idli ming: who won the game?

d**idli ming: it’s cool! we are the champion!

d**id:why are you so excited?

li ming: don’t you know? i’m an english team’s fan.


d**id is feeling terrible. his mother takes him to the doctor.(戴维感觉不好,戴维的妈妈待他去看医生)

d**id: mom, i feel terrible.

momd**id: i h**e a stomachache.

momd**id: ok.

doctor: hello, boy. what’s wrong?

d**iddoctor: let me see… well, don’t worry. it’s not too bad.

take some medicine and rest well. you’ll feel better soon.

d**iddoctor: my pleasure.


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辽师大版六年级品德与社会 下册 期中测试

期中测试卷。姓名 成绩 一 快乐填空。每空1分,共35分 1.埃及人创造的人类文明以 和 为代表。2.人类文明的源头除了被称为 四大文明古国 的东方文明,还有以 为代表的西方文明。3.时期,古希腊的农业和航海业十分发达艺术成就辉煌。4.古代印度文明的代表有 和 等。5.是世界最著名的古代文化之一,有...


学习必备欢迎 第一单元有趣的动画编程 scratch的程序设计。第一课动画达人。教学目标 认识scratch软件。教学重点 欣赏scratch软件中的样例。教学难点 了解scratch软件界面。教学准备 课件教学过程 一 创设情境介绍scratch软件。scratch是一种计算机编程语言,采用 搭积...