
发布 2024-01-27 01:40:04 阅读 3332


三年级英语上册unit1 hello教案。

教学准备教学目标1、能听懂会说what’s your name?和正确回答my name’s …并能在实际情境中运用。2、能通过教师的肢体动作明白教师的简单英语指示语,并能按照指令做出相应的动作。


能听懂会说what’s your name?和正确回答myname’s…并能在实际情境中运用。其中name单词发音需要格外突破。

教学难点:1、能听懂会说what’s your name?和正确回答myname’s…其中name单词发音需要格外突破。

2、能通过教师的肢体动作明白教师的简单英语指示语,并能按照指令做出相应的动作。在**的帮助下了解练习和课文对话的含义。教学工具课件教学过程step 1 warm-up 1.

greetings: t: hello!

boys and sing a song. hello! (clap and sing) step 挡住**的一角猜测物品。

(2)readthewordstogether.2. let’s do.

listen to the tape and look at your book, thendo the actions. step 3 presentation 1. title t:

today we aregoing to learn unit 1 hello! part b let’stalk / let’s mark of mike, sarah, chenjie, wu yifan, john,miss white,mr jones and ask the ss to say hello or hi to them. (2) t asksthe ss to take out the marks on the activity book.

choose t: good. you can also say “my name’s chenjie”.

myname’s… close your mouth. /m/ name. who can try?

t: good!同理对第二个第三个人说。

what’s your name? ss: my name’s … 3.



hello! t: do you know my name?

youcanaskme“what’syourname?”慢慢带读。what’s,your, name?

t: my name’s zoom. i’m zoom.

my name is zoom. ss:hello, zoom.

t再把zip的头像放头上。ss: what’s your name?

t:myname’ 4 practice (1) t: now please choose one mark and keep itsecret, then ask and answer.

提醒注意只有对方问对问题才回答。回答对了才能继续问。(2) pair works.

教师巡视,指导。(3)presentation. invite some students to present.

教师指导可以在问话前可以先打招呼比较礼貌。t:youcansayhelloorhibeforeyou start to talk.

after that, you can say goodbye or bye will be more politely. (4) goodbye. bye.

t: hello, i’ 挥手再见,做离开的动作。s1:

引导学说goodbye!t:hi,i’ miss wang.

i’m… t: bye! 挥手再见,做离开的动作。

s1:引导学说bye. step 5text (1) a new friend.

who is he? let’ listen! listen and pointplease.

(2) check the answers. t: who are they?

who can tellme? hands up, please!做举手的动作。

、ss: …3) play in your groups. ③presentation step 6 let’s play(1) t:

choose a mark and put it on your head. let’s welcome. (drill the new word.

) invite a student andact with him or her as an example. (2) pair work. (3)presentation ss:

hello. what’s your name? s1:

my name’s xx.

优品课件。ss: welcome!

ss: hello. what’s your name?

s2: my name’s welcome! …step 7 homework 1.

listen and repeat the to act out the dialogue.课后小结学了这节课,你有什么收获?课后习题完成课后练习题。


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