
发布 2024-01-17 00:25:10 阅读 7057




1.why was george at the hospital?

2.what is robert’s occupation now?

3.what does the man plan to do in five years?

4.what does the woman imply?

5.what is the man’s reaction to the woman’s words?

第二节 本节材料为较长的对话或独白,每段材料后设置三至四个问题,要求考生根据所听内容,在理解、分析的基础上作出准确判断,选出问题的最佳答案。第 小题基于同一段对话。

6.what are the speakers talking about?

7.what did they both eat?

8.what did they finally find out?

第 小题基于一段对话。

9.when would mr. johnson like to talk to the woman?

10.what is mr. johnson doing when the woman comes to see him?

11.what does mr. johnson want to tell the woman?

第 小题基于同一段独白。

12.what is the main purpose of mr. brown’s remarks?

13.when did mr. robertson begin to play his own composition?

14.what is the most unbelievable adventure for mr. robertson?

15.what will mr. robertson mainly do tonight?


1.how is the woman feeling?

2.why does the man apologize?

3.what does the man imply?

4.what does the man think the weather will be like?

5.what do we learn about the speakers?

第二节 第小题基于同一段对话。

6.what is the woman’s problem?

7.where should the woman go to solve her problem?

8.on what day does the conversation take place?


9.how did the woman sleep last night?

10.what does the woman worry about this morning?

11.what does the woman probably decide to do this weekend?


12.when were the first amusement parks built in the

13.what can we know about coney island?

14.what does the entrance fee cover in most theme parks?

15.what is the talk mainly about?


语文试题。1 本试卷共150分。考试时间150分钟。2 答题前,考生务必将密封线内的项目澳写清楚。3.请将各卷答案填在试卷后面的答题卷上。第i卷 选择题共33分 一 12兮,每小题 3分 1 下列各组词语中,加点字的读音完全相同的一组是 a媲美庇护权刚愎自用大有裨益。b豢养盥洗室风云变幻焕然一新。c...


c 是核裂变反应方程 d 是原子核的人工转变方程。7 已知某玻璃对蓝光的折射率比对红光的折射率大,则两种光。a 在该玻璃中传播时,蓝光的速度较大。b 以相同的入射角从空气斜射入该玻璃中,蓝光的折射角较大。c 从该玻璃中射入空气发生全反射时,红光临界角较大。d 用同一装置进行双缝干涉实验,蓝光的相邻条...


理科综合 化学部分 化学试卷分为第 卷 选择题 和第 卷两部分,共100分。第 卷。本卷共6题,每题6分,共36分。在每题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题目要求的。以下数据可供解题时参考 相对原子质量 h 1 o 16 s 32 cu 64 1 根据下列物质的化学性质,判断其应用错误的是。a 酒...