
发布 2024-01-13 23:35:09 阅读 9214


wangxiaoli 3月12日。





直击高考:1. (2011北京)tom __in the library every night over the last three months.

a. works b. worked c. has been working d. had been working

2. (2011安徽) –i didn’t ask for the name list. why __on my desk?

i put it there just now in case you needed it.

a. does it land b. has it landed c. will it land d. had it landed

3. (2011江西) we arrived at work in the morning and found that somebody __into the office during the night. a.

broke b. had broken c. has broken d.

was breaking

4.〖04重庆〗“the interestbe divided into five parts, according to the agreement made by both sides, “declared the judge.

a. mayb. shouldc. mustd. shall

5.〖04湖南〗—excuse me, but i want to use your computer to type a report.

youh**e my computer if you don’t take care of it.

a. shan’tb. might notc. needn’td. shouldn’t


1) when i stayed in college istudy) medicine for more than one and a half years.

2) i entered this college in 2012 and since then istudy) medicine for more than one and a half years.





nowadays a lot of people are still in __habit of smoking in __public places.

for, besides, apart from 都有“除了”的意思,用法上有什么区别?

反馈练习。1.用except for, except,besides填空。

1your letter, i got 5 more from others.

2)i will play basketball with anybodyyou.

3)he is a wise manthat he married a wrong woman.

4)the street is clearsome cars parking alongside.

to it that意思为:确保…

2.— will you read me a story, mummy?

ok. you __h**e one if you go to bed as soon as possible. (2011 陕西,24)

a. might b. must c. could d. shall

3.— i h**en’t got the reference book yet, but i’ll h**e a test on the subject next month.

don’t worry. you __h**e it by friday2010 江苏, 25)

a. could b. shall c. must d. may

has been announced that candidates __remain in their seats until all the *****s h**e been collected.

a. can b. will c. may d. shall

5. nobody __throw away rubbish everywhere! a. can b. need c. shall d. must

6.— we want someone to design the new art museum for us.

the young fellow h**e a try?

a. may b. shall c. will d. need



22. aboard

25. efficienteffective practical sufficient

35. onone'sside表示支持某人,站在某人的立场上,表态度;byone'sside表示站在某人的旁边,表位置关系。

vt. 释放, 解放; 免除, 赦免; 解除(痛苦等),放出, 放松。

free from.(把…)从…释放出来; 使摆脱免于不受…影响的解除不受……的约束。


阅读:a. scarce adj.稀少的,不足的,几乎没有的。

scarcely adv.几乎不scarely ……when=hardly ……when

overcrowding n.过度拥挤 over 太,过于overload overweight overconfident overdo

extraordinary 非凡的。

c. degrade 降级 offend冒犯 weed n.杂草 v.除杂草 block 块,街区 v.阻挡。

bitter 苦的 smelly 有臭味的。

d. irrigation 灌溉 reproduce 繁殖,再生产prevention 预防 considerable 相当大的。

breed 繁殖,饲养,n. 种类

e. retailer 零售商 promotional 推销商 promote v.推销,促进,提升。

originate in 起源于……



43题。they can also make money by letting prisoners h**e cell phones and other banned goods.翻译成什么意思?

60题。题干中的infer from 该为learn from 或许更好些,不过我们确实做过这种经不起推敲的题。

61题选start的关键词是remove (除掉,移走)



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