
发布 2023-12-28 18:20:06 阅读 1246









听下面对话或独白。每段对话或独白后都有几个小题,根据对话或独白内容, 从题中所给三个选项中选出最佳选项,将其字母代号填入答题栏相应的题号内。每段对话或独白读。


) 6. who is the girl looking for ?

classmate b. her mother c. her teacher

) 7. what color is the hat?

b. blue c. blue and white


) 8. how many books has the man borrowed?

b. four c. seven

) 9. why can’t the man take the books out?

he has no card b. because he hasn’t returned the books

c. because the books are new

) 10. which of the following statements is not true?

man should not take out the books b. the man can’t read the new books

c. the man may come to read the books the next day


) 11. what will happen if a person smokes a pack of cigarettes a day ?

hair quickly b. look young and healthy c. lose two teeth every 10 years

) 12. will a smoker live longer than a non-smoker according to the passage?, he willb.

no, he won’tc. yes , he does .


) 13. what food did the woman order?

a. meat and vegetables b. broccoli and eggsc. tofu and a salad

) 14. why didn’t the woman h**e meat?

a. because she is a vegetarian b. because there is no meat c.

because meat will make her fat

) 15. where do you think the conversation happened?

home b. in a restaurantc. in a shop


) 16. what’s wrong with the woman ?

sore throat b. a headache c. a backache

) 17. what does the man tell her to do?

warm water b. take some medicine c. both a and b


)18. where are the two speakers talking?

an office b. at a station c. on the phone

) 19. what kind of trip does the man prefer?

a. five-day trip in the spring b. five-day trips in the autumn

c. ten-day trips in the summer

) 20. how much will the man pay for the trip?

a.$2400 b. $1600 c. $800


) 21is a new sport today.

b. skin-diving c. skating

22. because you __you climb big rocks underwater easily .

a. are too he**y b. h**e no weight at all c. are not as he**y as on the land

23. everything under the water is __

and blue b. blue and green c. black and white

24. with a tank of air on your back , you can __

big rocks b. catch a lot of fish very easily c. stay underwater for a long time

( )25. you can get __from the deep sea.

b. a lot of things c. a lot of gold


) will go to __on saturday.

a. the people’s park b. the water park c. the children’s park

) will visit the flower show

october 21 b. on october 22 c. on october 23

) 28. they will __in the afternoon .t there was ; to watch

a. plant some flowers b. draw some pictures c. listen to a talk

)29. they will meetthat morning .

a. in the parkb. at the school gate c. near the gate of the park

( )30. they will go to the park

foot b. by bus c. by bike


31. she bought __useful english dictionary yesterday, and __dictionary is very popular.

a. an; theb. a ; thec. an; ad. an; the

32. your e-dictionary is very good. where did you buy __

i want to buy __too.

a. it ; itb. it; onec. one; one d. one; it

33. not only __the traffic accident but also he knew the driver __had driven too fast .

a. he saw ; whomb. he sees; who

c. did he see ; who d. does he see; whose

34. by the end of last year , i __english for nearly three years.

a. was learning b. learned c. had learned d. h**e learned

35. -you forgot your key when you went out.


2018 2019学年度初三下学期第二次月考。数学试卷。全卷满分150分,120分钟完卷 一 选择题 本大题共10个小题,每小题4分,共30分。1.的倒数是 abcd.2.由四个相同的小立方体塔成的几何体如图所示,则它的主视图是 3.小时候我们用肥皂水吹泡泡,其泡沫的厚度是约0.000326毫米,用...


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